Scientific Manifestations

University Of Ghardaia


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Green Hydrogen, Artificial Intelligence, Renewable Energy, and Electrical Engineering Systems

This international conference has the primary objective of assessing the recent progress in the realm of green energies, specifically focusing on green hydrogen and renewable energies. It also encompasses developments across the spectrum of energy systems, including artificial intelligence utilization, advanced control mechanisms, smart grids, electrical networks, and electro-energy systems. The conference serves as a vital platform for specialists and practitioners to converge and share their findings within these varied conference themes. Furthermore, it facilitates discussions on recent breakthroughs in applied electrical engineering and automatic control, targeting solutions to pressing local and national challenges faced by developing nations.

The conference will feature the publication of papers that span theoretical analyses, experimental studies, and practical applications in the domains of green hydrogen, renewable energy, and the incorporation of artificial intelligence into electrical engineering systems and technological advancement. Beyond its role as a knowledge-sharing platform, this conference offers a unique avenue for scientists and researchers to forge future collaborations, directly addressing current issues.

An exceptional attribute of this conference is the opportunity for presenters to see their work published in esteemed journals. Moreover, participants gain unparalleled access to experts and scholars across relevant fields, spanning green hydrogen, electrical power systems, AI applications, renewable energy systems, smart grid technologies, power electronics, and energy transition. This engagement is invaluable, fostering an environment of cross-disciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange.

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International Seminar on the Apport of the Simulation in Technological innovation

The International Seminar on the  Apport of Simulation in Technological Innovation SIASIT 2016 is organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology of Ghardaia University in collaboration with the Laboratory of Applied Biomechanics and Biomaterials of the National Polytechnic School of Oran.

The SIASIT aims to promote cooperation between the scientific teams, to provide an opportunity for young researchers to present their research and to fructify the exchange between the university and  the socio-economic sector. This event aims to boosting scientific exchange between national and international experts in simulation and technological innovation, particularly between research laboratories and industry.

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